Vision Therapy

Enhance your visual, motor or perceptual capabilities.

What 3D MOVIES can tell you about your VISION

What is vision therapy?

Vision therapy is a vision training program designed to correct visual, motor or perceptual cognitive deficiencies through a program of eye exercises.  It’s used to help prevent eye problems from developing and also to treat existing eye conditions.

Vision therapy can treat amblyopia (lazy eye), eye alignment problems (turned eye or squint), eye coordination problems, poorly sustained near focus, inadequate eye-hand coordination and visual perceptual development.

How can vision therapy assist my child?

Vision therapy aims to help your child through improving:

  • Eye movement efficiency

  • Visual skills necessary for reading

  • Spatial skills

  • Sequencing skills

  • Integration of vision with auditory and motor systems

What do I need to bring to an eye test?

In addition to any current spectacles worn by your child, please bring any reports from your child’s school or other health professional that you have seen such as educational psychologist, occupational therapist, speech therapist or other health professional.

In addition, if you child is new to our practice, please complete our Welcome to For Eyes Optometrist form for Children/Young Adults (up to 16 years of age) and either email to the practice before your appointment ( or bring it with you to your first appointment.

Vision Therapy FAQs

  • Vision therapy can treat a variety of vision conditions, including:
    • Strabismus (eye turn)
    • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
    • Convergence insufficiency (eye teaming)
    • Saccadic dysfunction (eye tracking)
    • Traumatic brain injury (concussion)
    • Difficulty with reading

    Vision therapy can improve the following visual skills:
    • Visual acuity
    • Stereopsis (3D) binocular fusion
    • Eye teaming skills
    • Convergence
    • Eye tracking
    • Focusing skills
    • Depth perception
    • Visual attention span
    • Visual processing
    • Visual memory
    • Visual motor integration
    • Hand-eye coordination

  • The first step is a detailed eye examination with one of our optometrists. Both of our optometrists are members of Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists and can determine if you will benefit from vision therapy and how many sessions you, or your child, will need in order to see results.

  • If your child is exhibiting any of the following signs of a vision problem, they may be a great candidate for vision therapy. These issues can be discussed with one of our optometrists in a detailed eye examination and consideration given to starting vision therapy.
    • Reading below grade level
    • Skips/repeats lines when reading
    • Omits small words when reading
    • Poor comprehension
    • Difficulty maintaining attention
    • Poor handwriting
    • Avoids reading or other near vision tasks
    • Headaches at the end of the day
    • Labeled “lazy” or “learning delayed”
    • Diagnosed with ADHD or dyslexia

  • Yes, vision therapy has been proven effective for improving many binocular vision conditions. The Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) showed that in practice vision therapy is an effective treatment. In addition, numerous published research studies prove the effectiveness of vision therapy for improving reading and learning performance.


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